Cause & Effect of Mold

Restorcore Blog

Cause & Effect of Mold


The easy answer to what causes mold is moisture, usually combined with poor ventilation. Control the moisture, control the mold. If you think you have mold in your house, look for the water source. The World Health Organizations lists the following as some of the common causes of household mold:

  • Rainwater or groundwater leaking into the enclosure (roof, walls, windows or foundation).
  • Plumbing leaks and spills.
  • Unvented or poorly vented sources, such as swimming pools, spas, aquariums, dishwashers, combustion devices, kitchens and baths, from which water may condense in the building enclosure.
  • Insufficient dehumidification by heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems.


Back to my friend’s wife and their mold problem in the walls from the leaking pipes. Why wasn’t the husband feeling the same effects of the mold as his wife? The Center for Disease Control (CDC) answers that simply: Some people are sensitive to molds, like allergies. In fact, the symptoms are relatively the same and can sometimes be confused with a common cold.

Symptoms include:

  • Nasal Stuffiness
  • Eye or Skin Irritations
  • Wheezing

The CDC also states that severe cases of mold reactions happen to people with chronic lung illnesses, or to “people with high exposure to molds in occupational settings, such as farmers working around moldy hay.” In addition to the above symptoms, these people may also have fever and shortness of breath.

If you feel you are having an allergic reaction to mold, WebMD suggests trying some over the counter allergy medicine, if your symptoms are mild. If you have more severe symptoms, or if the OTC medicine doesn’t help, consult your family doctor. And remove the mold from your home immediately. Read on for more information on how to do just that.

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